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HomeMarketing Opportunities

The 2025 Marketing Opportunities Will Be Ready Soon!

MI-TEN GCSAA Conference Hospitality Opportunities

This annual event is on Wednesday evening at the GCSAA Conference and Trade Show every year. In 2025 we had more than 250 attendees from Michigan, Tennessee and across the globe. 

Logo Sponsor

Your logo included in all pre promotion, on screen and post promotion. 
(Included with Platinum, Gold & Silver partnerships)

Bar Napkin Sponsor

Your logo on bar napkins at the event. 

Sign Sponsor

Your logo on an 18 x 26 corrugated plastic sign displayed at the event.

News & Updates Advertorial


An article on in the news section for you to use as you see fit. This will be sent out in the News and Updates email to all members that month as one of the top stories. These emails have a 60%+ open rate.

2024 Harrell's EOP

2024 Raymond Hearn Golf Design
2024 ENVU Resilia™ Root Health Solution

Social Media Post


A social media campaign of your design originating from your accounts or ours that we will share across all of our platforms (X, Facebook & Instagram) to more than 4,000 followers. MiGCSA Board Members are also encouraged, but not required, to share these posts to gain more organic reach. 


Video Opportunities


A 2 hour site shoot with brand Make The Turn Marketing including post editing hours and travel time that will result in a short video of your design to be shared on the MiGCSA social media outlets and website. This video will be yours to use as you wish and can be shared by MiGCSA on social outlets.


MiStory Video Title Sponsor
(Tiered Partners Only)

Your company would sponsor one video in the MiStory series with an intro overlay of This Episode Sponsored by (company logo) at the start of the video after the Industry Partner Sign. These videos are features of MiGCSA Members or events that take place around the state. They premier at all times during the year to fit your promotional needs, they are on a first come first serve basis. You can see these features on the MiGCSA YouTube Channel here. These videos recieve 200-400 views on YouTube and 7,000 - 18,000 views on X (Twitter). 


Annual Review Magazine

A full color 80+ page magazine delivered in mid to late October offers an in depth recap of the activities and stories of the MiGCSA over the last year. Perfect timing for EOP Marketing, all material is due by the first Friday in September. Extensions are sometimes possible with permission, failure to deliver material will result in a forfeit of ad credit or payment.  

Magazine Ad Design Specifications

A La Cart Placements


Quarter Page – $500


Half Page – $750


Full Page – $1,000


Tiered Partners Only Options

Inside Front Cover – $2,000


Inside Back Cover – $2,000


Back Cover - $2,000


Double Sided Insert – $2,000


Two Page Spread – $2,000

Belly Band Outside Wrap – $3,000

EOP Fall Online Auction


An online auction that will highlight early order programs and products to all MiGCSA Members. A donation of products with supporting information and MSRP is due by the end of September. This auction will run from October 1st to October 17th.

Minimum auction value must be at least $1,000 MSRP, higher values are very much appreciated.

Any items over $5,000 in MSRP or from our Platinum Partners will be featured in auction emails and social posts.

At the conclusion of the auction an introduction email will be sent to the winner and company representative to arrange delivery. A list of all bidders of your item with email contact information can be provided at the end of the auction. 

Fundraiser Golf Event Opportunities


Fundraiser proceeds go directly back into the Michigan Golf Industry with donations to The Wee One Foundation, scholarships, turf research and other turf related philanthropic causes.

There are three golf fundraisers every year

The Northern Wee One Invitational (Northern Michigan Resort)

This is a two day team scramble event that will raise money for the Wee One Foundation, they assist golf course management professionals (or their dependents) who incur overwhelming expenses due to medical hardship without comprehensive insurance or adequate financial resources. This event also helps fund MiGCSA Scholarships for Students and MiGCSA Member Dependents. 

Day one is a 1:00 shotgun start with included beverage tickets, $3,000 skin pot and a plated dinner to follow with awards and Wee One family stories.

Day two will be a 9:00 shotgun start with a full hot breakfast buffet & bloody mary bar before tee off. Appetizers and awards for day two including another $3,000 skins pot, Raffle and overall winners immediately following the end of play.  

The Western Golf Day Fundraiser in late September (Western Michigan)

Average attendance is 120, shotgun scramble event with post golf reception

The Big Event Fundraiser in Early to Mid October (Metro Detroit)

Average attendance is 144, shotgun scramble event with post golf reception

Fundraiser Sponsorship Opportunities

These fundraiser packages are available on a first come first serve basis. The hole sponsorship is an entire hole for your company, you can use it in any way you see fit. The Chapter will provide a sign with your logo and will recognize these at the event and in all event recaps.

Hole Sponsorship (Day One of The Northern Wee One Invitational, Western Golf Day & Big Event)

$1,000 for one event, $1,750 for two or $2,500 for all three.
(included in Platinum & Gold Partnership.)

Beverage Sponsor for The Northern Wee One Invitational (Day One Only), Western & Big Event

$1,500 for one event, $2,750 for two or all three for $4,000

The Northern Wee One Invitational

Platinum Event Sponsor - $3,000 - Foursome & Wee One Logo hole sponsor (included in Platinum Partnership)

Gold Event Sponsor - $750 - Recognition in all event promotional material, at event and post event recaps (included in Gold Partnership)
   Silver Event Sponsor - $500 - Recognition in all event promotional material, at event and post event recaps (included in Silver Partnership)

The Northern Wee One Invitational Individual Sponsorship Opportunities (Only One of Each Available)
Dinner Sponsor - Recognition at the dinner on day one with signage and during awards - $3,000
Breakfast Sponsor - Recognition at the breakfast buffet on day two with signage and during awards - $2,000
Awards Reception Appetizers - Recognition at the awards reception after golf on day two with signage - $1,000
Golf Ball Gift Sponsor - A sleeve of golf balls with the MiGOLF Mitten Logo and your company logo for every participant - $3,000


(616) 834-0450