The majority of diseases diagnosed on greens are root diseases. And they all pose a great threat to your turf and your livelihood because symptoms don’t appear until the damage to your roots is already done. To make matters worse, you may lose critical time attempting to diagnose the problem before you’re able to properly treat it, which greatly impacts your course’s playability and hinders your customers’ experiences. As spring turns to summer, preventive root pathogen fungicide applications can be highly effective when made just as the target organism becomes active, which is usually weeks to months ahead of when visual symptoms of diseases like summer patch occur.
Resilia™ Root Health Solution, from Envu, is the first all in one product on the market you can proactively apply to safeguard your roots from dangerous underground threats to keep your turf healthy, beautiful and playable all season long.
- It protects your roots from destructive soilborne pathogens for up to 21 days and most up to 28 days
- Allows roots to reach full biomass and depth potential
- Keeps your turf healthy and playable all season long
Plus, Resilia also complements programs with Stressgard®-branded fungicides to offer full spectrum plant health benefits. While Stressgard-branded fungicides help plant health above ground, Resilia root health solution helps maximize root health and resilience below the surface.

Special My Envu Rewards Offer:
From May 1 through June 30th, the more Resilia purchased, the more rebates received:
Buy 8+ Jugs – receive a $30 rebate per jug*
Buy 4+ Jugs – receive a $25 rebate per jug*
Buy 2+ Jugs – receive a $20 rebate per jug*
Resilia Root Health Solution Agronomic Program Fit:
Visit the Envu website for suggested programs for agronomic zones.
Northern Zone Agronomic Recommendations
Mid-Central Zone Agronomic Recommendations
To learn more about Resilia Root Health Solution and full program details, contact Rob Pylar, area sales manager Michigan and Northern Ohio.
248-330-2638 |
*All rebates will be issued in the form of My Envu Rewards (MER) points. Points can be redeemed for company check, agent credit or 1000's of catalog items. Points will be awarded by October 31, 2024. Qualified purchases must be invoiced May 1 – June 30, 2024 by authorized Envu agents. End users can make multiple qualifying purchases. Must be an end user with My Envu Rewards membership and accept current Terms and Conditions. End users are only eligible for one Envu incentive program on these invoiced products. Resale of product(s) purchased within this program will not qualify for rebates. If questions arise, please contact My Envu Rewards at 1-888-456-6464 or email Envu reserves the right to modify any portion thereof, or discontinue this program without prior notice.
ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW LABEL INSTRUCTIONS. Follow label and stewardship guidelines to limit impact to non-target native species. Environmental Science U.S. LLC, 5000 CentreGreen Way, Suite 400, Cary, NC 27513. For additional product information, call toll-free 1-800-331-2867. Envu, the Envu logo, Resilia and Stressgard are trademarks owned by Environmental Science U.S. LLC or one of its affiliates. ©2024 Environmental Science U.S.